Your donations make a huge difference
We believe that talent and commitment – not the ability to pay tuition and fees – should open the doors to a college education. Private gifts in support of scholarships allow exceptionally able and worthy students to obtain a college education despite increasing cost. For many people, such gifts mean the opportunity to pursue their lifelong dreams through higher education.

The Career Education Scholarship Fund
The Career Education Scholarship Fund is a nonprofit 501(c) (3)fund dedicated to providing both need-based and merit-based scholarships to qualified students who are attending one of its many participating institutions.

Helping Students … Changing Lives!
Thank you for your interest in the Career Education Scholarship Fund, a need- and merit-based scholarship program for deserving students at our participating schools. Since 1998, CESF has awarded more than $12 million in scholarships to over 11,000 students on our campuses. 100% of money raised at our 501(c)(3) organization goes directly to the scholarship fund.
The Impact Our Scholarships Have on StudentsThe cost of education continues to go up, but it’s our belief that talent and a commitment to improve one’s life shouldn’t be based on a student’s ability to pay tuition and fees. Our scholarship program helps to change the lives of students by offering them the opportunity to focus on their studies, and less on finances or second jobs.
Are you an individual or part of a corporation or business that is interested in helping change the lives of students? Contribute here.